Friday 21 November 2014

Journal entry 2

Reflect on your learning process in the unit.

            During the second unit of this semester I realized that visual resources were more meaningful for society that what I believed.
I realized that movies and pictures have portrayed ímportant events of our history even though we had not been born yet. For example, I didn't know so much about the Vietnam war but I could imagine it because of the photographs.
           I learnt about the cinema in India. Even though we can imagine that movies are the same in the whole world, there are very different in the Indian culture. For example, as we have occidental influences in our country we are used to watch movies from Hollywood. From this point of view, movies last one hour and some minutes, maybe two hours, and the audience must be quiet during the movie. Nevertheless, in the Indian culture, movies must last as minimun three hours, and the Indian people are used to talk inside the theatre or cinema in order to give opinions about the movie in the same moment it is happening.
Another comparison between Hollywood and Bollywood is that this last industry incorporates musical parts in their movies because the main objective is to entertain the whole family.

            I learnt about  different types of movies and how to use them in a proper way inside the classroom. When I was in school my teacher used to play the movies when we didn't have anything else to do. However, from the text we read I learnt that is more meaningful if you choose just a part or some minutes of a movie instead of using the whole one. If you use some minutes you can do different activities. You can do a brainstorming to retrieve some ideas about students' perception, you can ask for predictions from them and many other ideas.

            I consider that I learnt vocabulary such as cultural memory by Reading the texts. The readings were the most important part of our process. Nevertheless, I learnt some pronunciation by watching the movie we had to remake.

             I believe I can improve my skills by practicing them. I believe I need to do more listening activities such as listening to movies or videos to promote the development of this skill.
I think this was an excellent unit.

Movie Remake: The Reader (2008)

Saturday 15 November 2014

"The Schindler's List" review

Many people define the film "Schindler's list" as a film about the holocaust, some others mention the film is about World War II. However,  both events of the World History were portrayed by its director. Steven Spielbierg wanted to portray the reality of the world from his point of view. Notwithstanding, in "the Schlinder's List" Spielbierg tried to emphasize the importance Oskar Schlinder had during the Holocaust Germany during the Second World War.

Steven Spielbierg had a period of his life when he decided to emphasize the real history and portray it in the big screen. In 1993, the Schlinder's List was created and launched. This movie was produced by Steven Spielberg, Gerald R. Molen and Branko Lustig. Even though, The Schlinder's list was based on a real fact, it was based on a book as well. The name of the book has the same name of the movie but it was written by Thomas Keneally.
The main actors are Liam Neeson (Oskar Schlinder), Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes and Caroline Goodall. 
The Schlinder's list was distributed by "Universal pictures" in Washington on November 30th in  1993, and it has a length of 197 minutes.
It was said that the budget at the beginning of the movie was about US$22 million, while the earnings reached US$321.2 million.

The movie starts with the presentation of Oskar Schlinder as a powerful, fine, rich an elegant person, member of the Nazi party. He loved spending money in expensive drinks and opulent parties.
He decides to travel to Cracow in order to build up his adquisitive power by investing money in a factory. As he is looking for cheap manufacture, he starts to acquire Jewish people since their work is cheaper than others.
Then, Jewish people is taken away from their homes and jobs, and sent to the different camps in Germany. As a consequence, Oskar decides to purchase the staff he has. The movie continues portraying the reality of the different life conditions (imposed by Nazis) Jews had to deal with.
In a moment, Oskar realizes of the cruel practices Nazi soldiers carry out toward Jewish so he decided to create a list of people he needed for his factory. He starts to invest the whole fortune he desired at the beginning in order to save Jews lives.

Having reflected upon the film, we would like to point out that what really called our attention was how real were the scenes in terms of the emotion and feelings actors could convey. You can really feel the pain, the anguish and the desperation when you are watching the film. Moreover, we can highlight how can a person change his point of view and life objective since Oskar became in a solidary and well-heart person during his adventure as an entrepreneur and ambitious man. Finally, the film is so well made that you do not feel the length.

We thoroughly recommend this film since "The Schindler's list" contributes to the development of our cultural memory from a different point of view. More than Jewish reality in those years, the film aims to make auditors understand

By Pía Montecinos, Sergio Loyola.

Thursday 23 June 2011

J U N O *

 I.- Movie Review

Juno is a movie that was released in 2007, and its director is Jason Reitman.
The history is about a teenager that is pregnant  of his friend and she decides to give in adoption the baby. The movie shows the whole stage of the pregnancy and, parallel, sample like prepares the family that will receive the baby.
The genres of the movie are comedy, drama and romance.
Between the actors who take part in the movie they stand out: Ellen Page, Michael Cera and Jennifer garner.
The soundtrack of the film includes several songs from the works of Kimya Dawson and her two bands Antsy Pants and The Moldy Peaches. This was the result of a suggestion of actress Ellen Page.
About the environment of the movie is very familiar, because it's real. It doesn't have special effects or things that have relation with science or a lot of action. This movie is completly about the real life, and its script takes topics that are very know for all the people.
My qualification for this movie is 4 stars, due to the fact that it possesses a great animation, excellent script, lasts a moderate time and has excellent sonorous band.

It seems to me that it is an interesting movie of seeing since because its content, allow to think about the life of the teenagers at present. For example, it seems to me to be important to emphasize that the movie approaches a topic that always is in the news agenda and that is the teen pregnancy. Maybe one could agree or not with the adoption, nevertheless, the relevant thing here is the possibility that delivers the movie of analyzing the reality and of doing a reflection on which it happens with the young persons of nowadays.
Now, we have a lot of teenagers that are parents, not only in the USA, or in europe. In all the world the pregnancy stadistics are higher than before. I think that this situation is because the teens are more active and are growing faster than 10 years before. Their hormones begin to work earlier and now, when a girl or a boy has 13 years old, their physical contexture are different . In the other hand, the transmission of information is major than years ago and the speed of this too.
Now, when you have 14 years old, the schools do sexuality classes and the teens know a lot about the adoption, the abort, and the birth.
In my opinion, I think that this movie is agree with the life.
Maybe the adoption is not good for some people. A 16 years old teen is not preparate for have a baby still. They are inmature, and they would have to face an a adult life, with studies, works, and a baby, that is a responsability, is another life.

Totally recommended.

II.-  Educative analysis

I think that in these days the classes of sexuality are more necessary than before, because the teens are more active and their hormonal development begins earlier and is faster.
In the movie we can take some topics that we can use for talk with students. For example, we can talk about the importance of the maternity, about  the adoption, the abortions,and another topics.
For me is important to create conscience that the babies are lifes too, and you have to think before have one.
I think that the unwanted pregnancies are common in our countries, but i think that is important to impart the necessary education for this topic. We have to talk with the students all the time, but we don't have to warn. We have to educate.
In the movie i can't see if the character recived the education about sexuality, but in my opinion i think that is important to make that the teens know about the consequences of an irresponsable life and the importance of have babies.
Maybe the adoption is an option for the teens that have to continue with their studies and have to work, and is better that abortion. But more important than that is create the conscience that new lifes are in our hands and we have to take care about it.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Topic Sentence

When you write something, (specifically when you write a paragraph), you have to write a topic sentence and you have to write a lot of supports for this.

The following exercises were made for practice the detection of the paragraphs's topic sentences.

I.-In the following paragraphs, identify the topic sentence and the

key words in the topic sentence that the other sentences support.

1.   John Bookmeyer is a versatile, well-rounded boy. In
addition to singing in his church choir, he is a drummer in a
small combo. He maintains a high average in his subjects at
school and still manages to play football and run on the track
team. Although he is very popular with other young people, he
doesn't let his social life interfere with his weekend job at the
In this situation we have that "John Bookmeyer is a versatile, well-rounded boy", and this is the topic sentence because makes an a kind of summary that have support by another description of the key words.

2.   The first thing I noticed about the school was the litter
in the schoolyard. Trash and paper were scattered everywhere. The
building, which could have been very attractive despite its age,
was dingy and dirty beyond belief. A window -pane was broken out
of the main door, and the door itself led into a dark, for
bidding hall. As I walked down the hall, I noticed the messy
bulletin board and, in several places, writing on the wall. No
one greeted me when I entered the outer office, although a
receptionist was sitting there noisily chewing a huge wad of gum
and putting on fingernail polish. All in all. I couldn't help
feeling that the school was poorly cared for.

In this case we have that the last phrase is the topic sentence. After all the phrases about description of the school, we can see the thought of the writer and the point of the paragraph.

3.   Through the fog the arc lights high above the stadium
looked like small moons from the field below. The lights were
reflected all over the marshy field in pools of water, an
accumulation of twenty four hours of steady drizzle. Despite
lengthy warm-up drills, the players now felt the cold and
dampness beginning to penetrate. They were either huddled
together or dancing up and down to keep warm-- that is, all
except our first-string quarterback and our all-state offensive
end, both of whom were out of the game with injuries. They sat
glumly on the bench wrapped in soggy woolen blankets, Conditions
could hardly have been worse for this crucial game.

Once again we have the topic sentence at the end of the paragraph.
If you think, the topic sentences is like a summary. With a general idea and this idea is supported by a lot of points. 

Have a topic sentence is useful for writing, because it allows that you can write a text with coherence and cohesion.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Movie review: Shrek forever after!

                             "Shrek forever after" is the last part of this great film. It was released last year, and how do you know, this film mix a lot of animation and special effects. Once again this movie have the participation of great actors who do the characters voices. For example: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy,   Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas and Julie Andrews.

In this oportunity the film is about Rumpelstiltskin, who wants to take on his control the far away kingdom. Rumpel cheats to shrek because as shrek wanted to be an ogre for a day, he made that Shrek signed a contract. But this contract had a fraud. This was for rumpel. With this contract, he would be the king of the far away kingdom. This is the reason  because Shrek has to save the kingdom and the movie has a lot of funny adventures and an interesting trama.

I think that the Shrek saga is funnier than others movies. You can see Shrek with the family, in your home, in the cinema, where you want. You can have a great moment of entertainment, action, animation, special effects, great music and funny for the children.

I totally recommend this movie! Is a great film and you have to continue with this beautiful and awesome adventure of this ogre.

Friday 3 June 2011

Cristina Scabbia!

             Cristina Scabbia was born on June the 6th in 1972, in Milano, Italia.
She is one of the two singers of the metal gothic band called "Lacuna Coil" (that is my favourite band).

She has black hair, her weight is 50 kilograms and she is 1.60 mt height.
She is very friendly with her fans and she is very funny because she always meets with new people at parties and she has a facebook page where you can post her a message.

Her favourite bands are: Depeche Mode, in flames, Korn and Linkin Park; and her favourite colours are: red, black and white (my favourite colours too).

She has a relationship with James Root who is a guitarrist of Slipknot band.

About her works: she works in a magazine called "Revolver". She works with africans kids too and about her musical works, she has worked with Megadeth, Rezophonic, Apocalyptica, and others bands.

I admire her because I love her style, her voice and the music that she sings. She loves the cats like me. But, something more important than that is that she is normal. She is not a typical blond woman. Is not taller than the others... She's very friendly with the people and she is famous by her voice and her talent, not for her physical atributes.